Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is a fraction of your own blood drawn off and spun down and then reapplied or injected to create improved tissue health. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) can be used also to improve skin texture, lines and wrinkles. By placing it into the deeper skin layer fibroblasts and other cells can be stimulated to a more youthful function. Areas like crepey areas under eyes and in necks can show dramatic improvement. Lines around upper lips can also improve and the general texture and turgor of the skin will improve. Who will benefit from Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)? Anyone who is using cosmetic treatments for lines, wrinkles, poorer skin condition and general skin reconditioning can be improved with platelet rich plasma therapy or PRP. Or those who have had problems tolerating products for these sorts of procedures will be encouraged by the fact they are using purely their own cells and tissues. The most dramatic results so far have been in the crepey skin problems in areas such as under eyes, necks and decolletage areas. How is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) done? A tube (or two or three) are drawn off in much the same way blood is taken for blood testing. While the skin is being numbed with a topical anaesthetic cream, the blood sample is spun for around eight minutes in a centrifuge to produce the platelet rich plasma – PRP. The platelet rich plasma (PRP) are drawn from the tube into a small syringe then a small amount of calcium chloride solution is added to the syringe to stimulate the process. Once mixed in the syringe the platelet rich plasma (PRP) is then injected in the cleaned anaesthetised skin in either small lines or tiny dots in the deeper skin layer. The first three sessions usually spaced around a month apart each time. The fourth session after 3 months and the fifth after 6 months. In total 5 sessions in one year. THE 4 INDIVIDUAL REGIONS: ENTIRE FACE, NECK,DÉCOLLETÉ OR HANDS (3 TREATMENTS ARE RECOMMENDED). We recommend 3 treatments every 4 weeks, followed by a booster treatment after 3 months and after 6 months. All of the above prp treatments are also available in a 3-treatment subscription. benefit from a discount compared to three treatments booked individually.
Cancellation Policy
Consultations that cannot be kept must be canceled 24 hours in advance. This saves you having to calculate them. Konsultationen, die nicht eingehalten werden können, müssen 24 Stunden im Voraus abgesagt werden. Das erspart Ihnen die Berechnung der Kosten.
Contact Details
MF Aesthetic - Prof. Dr. med. Mario Fiorese - Ästhetische Medizin und Chirurgie, Gerbestrasse 4, 8820 Wädenswil, Svizzera