RRS® HA Eyes - Eye Mesotherapy
Injectable Dermal Implant
RRS® HA Eyes is an intradermal implant specially formulated to improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes, that contains a non cross linked, resorbable Hyaluronic Acid associated to a protective buffer that contains vitamins, antioxidants, micro-circulatory and blending/bleaching actives. RRS® HA Eyes – Best injectable product for eye area Winner 2014 in category “Aesthetic Dermatology” Polish Society Aesthetic Dermatology Top product in safety and effectiveness – More than 4.500 in Poland have cast their vote to RRS® HA Eyes. BEST INDICATIONS Reduce aspect of swollen eyes Smooth eyes contour Enhances skin elasticity Treatment area: Area around the eyes, up to temporal area and bags under the eyes, circles, dark circles.
Cancellation Policy
Consultations that cannot be kept must be canceled 24 hours in advance. This saves you having to calculate them. Konsultationen, die nicht eingehalten werden können, müssen 24 Stunden im Voraus abgesagt werden. Das erspart Ihnen die Berechnung der Kosten.
Contact Details
MF Aesthetic - Prof. Dr. med. Mario Fiorese - Ästhetische Medizin und Chirurgie, Gerbestrasse 4, 8820 Wädenswil, Svizzera